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KyVision Blades

Phantom Halter 2.0

Phantom Halter 2.0

Regular price $50.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 CAD
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Phantom Halter will help young showman control their animal. The Phantom Halter was developed with both the showman and calf in mind. This Halter is smooth to eliminate the fraying caused by other cable Halters. The Phantom Halter is much better for your animal as it will not aggravate or bother in any way. The Ghost grip on the 2.0 model allows for even more control and comfort for the showman.

Phantom Halter is made of 3/16" vinyl coated galvanized cable with all plastic covered clamps. With this style there is no need to place a show Halter over top this Halter, just attach your choice of lead and hit the ring. You can use our cable Halters as part of your daily routine and in the show ring. Not intended as a breaking Halter, use on animals that are broke to lead. You will notice respect within a few days. When using in the show ring simply attach a leather/ nylon lead to the end of the Phantom Halter.

Sizing: XS- 250-400 lbs, S- 400-800 lbs, M- 800-1200 lbs, L-1200-1600 lbs, XL- 1600+ lbs

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